Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

Your last stop on your way to the dead end of the information highway.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Are You a New Mexi-CAN'T Or a New Mexi-CAN?

Greetings friends, regulars, first-timers, and lurkers. It's good to be back in the blog saddle again. My trip was a fantastic four days of highs in the 80s, lows in the 60s. It was so nice. Very dry and a lot of smoky haze from the Arizona fires, but nice. It showered a few minutes almost every day which would cool things off even more and give some really cool lightning shows and sunsets in addition to the already picturesque mountain backdrops. My sister and two nephews were visiting also. The boys (me, dad, the nephews, and Duke the chocolate lab) played a lot of horseshoes. Duke would run after and try to fetch the horseshoes after we threw them. The nephews and I also shot bb guns like they were going out of style. I introduced my mom and oldest nephew to Scary Movie 3 which is now a family favorite.

My mom and sister brought my grandma to the house to visit. She is doing so much better than the last time I saw her. She didn't have to use a wheelchair at all and her spirits were so up. Her short term memory is still pretty bad but overall I think putting her in the nursing home was the right choice for her and for my parents who were a lot less stressed than the last time I visited. Mom works for a different bank chain now that is 10 minutes away from the house instead of an hour like she was doing. That makes a big dif too. So everything is going so good for them. After visiting with grandma, mom and sis took her to have a girl day and get their nails did. Us boys piled in the jeep and drove 12 miles up Sandia Peak, parked and then walked up to the observation areas on the crest and looked out at Alburquerque waaaaay below. Elevation: 10,678. Off in the distance I could make out a golf course and what had to be a very large building or resort. Dad informed me this was the casino I would be going to with my mom and sister.

Sandia Casino was my first casino ever if you don't count the Las Vegas airport where I once had a layover which had plenty of slot machines right there in the boarding area (which I didn't play). I wasn't quite ready to play the card tables, roulette, or craps so my sister (the veteran) schooled me and my mom (the first timers) in the finer points of nickel slots. After losing half of what I brought to spend on the first two slot machines I played I got discouraged. I mean even if I lost I wanted to make my money last as long as possible for entertainment purposes. Then I found a penny on the ground. That's gotta be good luck right? I had been playing the Leprechan's Gold machine thinking the Irish bond we shared would work in my favor but no. So I moved on to the sci-fi themed slots and boy am I glad that my inner geek is luckier than my inner Irishman. I sat down at the Aliens (yes the movie Aliens) machine and doubled what I had left. So I was basically even again. Good deal. The lady beside me on the Nurses' Follies machine had turned her $20 into $120 and was getting up to leave just as I was finishing up on Aliens so I took her seat because her machine was obviously "hot". I turned the $5 bill I put in there into $50 before cashing out. By the end of the night, a few ups and downs later, I left up about $30 some odd dollars and even richer in the experience ie. it was a blast. But the real story is my mom. Every machine she sat at she won Big just about. She ended the night up $126! We spent about three hours there.

Afterwards we were looking for some late night fast food and I saw the sign. "Carl's Jr" it read. I begged like I was a six year old wanting a bike. It had been six years since my last Carl's Jr in Oklahoma. They are few and far between here in TX. I had the Six Dollar Western Bacon Cheeseburger. I was in heaven. I've since learned in my drivings that there are two Carl's Jrs in Wichita Falls about and hour and a half away from me. Have to make a Saturday trip out there...mmmm. There's also one in Dallas somewheres but I don't know if I want to try and find it or deal with the traffic.

My sister and mom found out about the Engine House Theater which puts on melodramas. We saw "Little Nell". It was pretty funny. My youngest nephew loved it. They provided us with bags of marshmallows to throw at the villian (hence mallow-drama they joked) who we were also encouraged to Boo and Hiss. As the play wore on my oldest nephew and I were trying to hit props with our marshmallows, making sure that the villian was at least by them before hand. He won with an awesome knockdown of a candlestick that even had the cast cracking up. The best I could do was get a marshmallow on a bookshelf. Neither of us hit the holy grail which was to land inside the phonograph.

My sis, the two boys, and I also took a little trip up to Santa Fe to check out the Palace of the Governors where Indians sell their cool wares, the plaza, St. Francis Cathedral, and The Loretto Chapel's Miraculous Stairway. It was my second time to visit Loretto Chapel but it was just as amazing this time. I admit I get chills there. Plus all the stain glass and sculptures inside just make me really serene even though there is quite a bit of tourist traffic going on.

I think that hits all the main beats of my story. My little vacation could have lasted a little longer and it took all week to get caught up at work but I am glad to be home. Oh and look, it's the weekend again. Sweet.

Oh one last thing. I bling-ed myself out in turquoise and it was hillarious. It is just now dawning on me that I should have got a pic of that. Might have to brush off the MS paint again...I took lots of other pictures that I will try to get on here soon.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hey, I'm Back And Pluggin!

Got back from NM last night. A bit busy at work catching up but will try to blog about my experiences which include my first Casino and hucking marshmallows at the villian of a play.

Just thought I'd pop in and say hi and also plug the Elseworlds Blog where some idiot is ruining the whole story. J/K, it's me ruining the story.

Support Independent Round-Robin Sci-Fi Comedy Writers!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Technology, I Love You But...Maybe We Should Take A Break

Hey all, I'm a head out west to Albuquerque to visit my parents. Their computer just cratered and my local Texas cell phone coverage doesn't quite reach the East Mountains so I will be away from my beloved online and text-based families. The upside is I will be enjoying the altitude of 6600 ft * instead of the nuclear holocaust of a summer we are having here in DFW and I will be getting to visit with my blood family whom I miss very much. So I will see you next week with a how my holiday was update and random commentaries here and there around the blogosphere.

* Colorado folks (and you know who you are) can just shush about how nice their altitude and climate are. If I wasn't riding back with my sister I would definitely have tried to go up there and visit y'all too. But there's plenty more vacation time for me to take so I will make it that way soon.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

To Quote Wayne's World: Game On!

The hockey strike is over, my friends. While most of you will not care, I will care enough for the all of us. The players' association and owners finally reached an agreement (it only took them a little over 300 days...) and though no one (especially joe hockeyfan) is getting as good a deal out of it than if they had gotten this done, say last February (when they could have salvaged last season) at least there will be a 05-06 hockey season starting up on time this fall (wow, this sentence really enjoyed the parenthesis).

I'm stoked. I've really needed my fix. To the point I was TiVo-ing highlights/reliving the glory days of the Stars 99 championship season on Fox Sports Southwest. As fun as they were, the days of living in the past are ovah! Well, starting in October. I'm a try hard to get tickets to the season opener. I think it's important that they know they haven't lost all their fans through this ordeal (although I'm sure they haven't made any new ones from it). Plus did I mention I NEED MY FIX! Unfortunately, hockey is the fourth popular (of four) of the professional sports leagues in North America (apparently soccer doesn't even make the list). But what it lacks in quantity it makes up for in rabies. Er, that is to say, the fans are very rabid. Like U2 and Joss Whedon fans. Hey, wait a tic...I sense a pattern there. I think I have rabies!

But I in celebration of this day I give you a video of Marty Turco, goaltender for my Dallas Stars, which depicts what he did on his time off last year...mocap (motion capture for the how they did Gollum in the LOTR movies) for an upcoming hockey video game. Depending on where you come from on the tech spectrum, or techtrum, this will be cool, silly, or a little of both. And therefore soooo fitting for me and my blog, don't you think?

Turco's Got Moves You Haven't Even Seen *

Did I just paraphrase a Julia Roberts movie??? Man, hockey can not come back soon enough!

* ok, so can't get a better link than this to work so click there and SCROOLLL waaayy down to the bottom for some reason and click the watch it now... it's hardly worth it now...i mean it's so aLLIesome! well maybe only if you like hockey AND videogames. hey, c'mon! it's hard to find a fitting geeky link sometimes so I force it, ok. i admit it! are you happy? ...i sorry baby...

Friday, July 08, 2005

The Real Deal Fourth Entry

Ok so I gave you a sneak peek with the pictures posting before the actual blog entry but you deserved it. Let me break down some facts and figures from the fourth for you.

Hours on train going down to Austin: 4
Hours in car coming back: 3
Number of crazy ladies sitting next to me on train: 1
Number of crazy ladies sitting next to me after they took their meds: 0 (like night & day, it was!)
Comics I read on the train: 1 (They don't call it Giant-Size X-Men for nuthin')
Number of bridesmaids at the wedding: 7 or 8!
Number of them I hit on: 2 (they're both friends though so it wasn't for reals)
Songs I danced to at reception: 3
Songs I danced to that weren't Frank Sinatra: 0 (I don't even need liquid courage if he's croonin)
Girls I danced with: 1
Bridesmaids the 8 year old groomsman danced with at once: All and the bride. go, playa.
Temp at the Rangers game: 96
Heat index: 102
Amount in cash I was offered by some guy for the free glow necklace I got at the game: $5

I don't have the official volume of sweat from my body last weekend but I can safely dub it: "Sweatiest Fourth Ever". A personal best. I would like to thank the outdoor wedding ceremony at which I was wearing three layers, one of them being a suit coat (I looked good, I was told, so I guess it was worth it), and having seats in the sun at the ballgame. And lastly, Texas. I couldn't have done without you.

Kinda last minute planning but I got a train ticket for Austin, went down there Saturday night and met up with Ray and Janx. We went to Fado which is the great Irish pub that pulls one heckuva Black and Tan. It was really good to see them both. Janxy had me in stitches as always and there were many a song played that we would break into duet. I had a thing for our Australian waitress. She was cute, had a great accent, and kept bringing me Guinness, what did you expect? Gosh.

I stayed with Rachel's family that night. For some ungodly reason I was up at 7:20 the next morning with no hope of drifting back off so I took my MP3 player out by the pool and enjoyed the cool morning, which was ancient history by 9:00. Rachel's dad made her get up because "her guest was up". I felt bad but he makes the rules. She was really cute all grumpy so it was kind of worth it. We had a great breakfast and then Rachel had to leave early being in the wedding and all. Her sister Blue and boyfriend Kevin arrived and we got all dressed up and headed out.

The ceremony was really nice. Mandy (also in the wedding party and making her second blog appearance) did hair and makeup and everyone looked great. Rachel was stunning. The ceremony got the speed round treatment being outside in Texas in July and we headed off again to the reception. It was a blast. Free bar, good food, fun people, and Frank. The groom's a big Sinatra fan so he was in heavy DJ rotation. Rachel and I had some very romantic dances followed by a nice talk out on a beautiful lookout. Basically, as crazy about each other as we are we've surrendered to the circumstances that we live 187 miles apart right now. For those of you trying to keep track (which includes me).

Left straight from the reception with Blue and Kevin to drive back that night. They both had work the next day and I had a ballgame. I got to know Kevin better over the course of the ride and the roadtrip music. He's a good guy. Would like to hang with them some more. Got in about 3:30 in the morning and passed out.

We had to leave early for the ballgame because we were supposed to meet Johnny Damon. It didn't quite pan out since everybody and their dog was there early to meet Johnny Damon. I figured as much but didn't want to rain on anyones parade. Went with Nate and his wife Niki. She's a huge Red Sox fan being a transplant from Boston. She had legitimate connections but the game was a sellout with over 50,000 in attendance. We weren't getting close to nobody on the field that day.

Before the game they brought out all these you men and women. They lined both third and first base lines. Then an airforce general came out. These were new recruits and they got sworn in right there at the game. They put the oath up on the scoreboard. It was pretty great and moving. A lot of them I would call kids they looked so young. We sang the national anthem which at the conclusion was an amazing flyover by four F-14 fighter jets. So loud, so awesome, the hair on my arm was standing up.

The Rangers won so I was happy. It was really only a good first and last inning for them with seven boring and hot ones in between. We were told we could stay in our seats to watch the fireworks which would be starting in fifteen minutes. So we're talking and waiting and suddenly all the big field lights go out as well as the stadium lights. Flash bulb strobes are going off like crazy. The few thousand of us lucky enough to get the glow necklaces were seasoned around the crowd like red, white, and blue salt. A "U-S-A" chant started up. Excitement was tangible, then "BOOM"!

It was one of the best shows I've seen. It had musical accompanyment and while there was a main display overhead there were often fireworks launched from several points around the stadium. It was a fantastic way to cap off one of the best fourth weekends I've had.

Now to nurse my carpal tunnel.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Works! The Works! The Works are on Fire!

The fireworks at the Rangers game were fantastic. They were synched up to music pretty good too. Such patriotic songs as God Bless the USA, Battle Hymn of the Republic, and R-O-C-K in the USA.

Enjoyin' Some Explosions

Although these pictures make us look like we had been enjoying something else. The glazed over look we're sporting is from sitting in the Texas heat (yes even when it's night) I promise. Though seeing this picture did make me realize that I have an addiction. My name is PostHaste and I'm a textaholic. I can't even put down my cell phone while enjoying a ballgame and some fireworks. I was texting Rachel how nice the fireworks were and missing some of them in order to do it. Smart. Notice the glowing star necklace on Nate. Mine's ubstructed by my guns, sorry.

For The Baseball Fan Who Has Everything

I've always liked our Ballpark. Never could put my finger on exactly why until now. Getting off the "ramp" to go to our seats I was greeted by this sight. The "Dublin Up Irish Pub". They had Guinness, Harp, and Smithwicks on tap along with some domestics. Plus AC and doors on the other side that led right out to the seating. Everytime I go to Ameriquest Field I find something new there. It's so huge. With the heat and all, a Guinness didn't sound all that appealing so I had a Harp. As I was enjoying it I remembered what day it was and felt bad. I pledged to just have domestics the rest of the day, and celebrated brewing independence with Shiner the rest of night.

Me Having A Good Time In Austin at the Wedding

I took my camera down to Austin to get lots of pictures of Rachel (being the hottest bridesmaid), the bridesmaids dancing together, the bridesmaid going wild, etc. Then I leave it at her dad's house when we leave for the wedding. So I brushed off my MS Paint skills for this interpretation of me enjoying the free bar at the reception. It was such a blast. No pictures=bummer :(

Friday, July 01, 2005

Revenge of the Scientologist

After verifying with Shad and Megan that this is as funny as I think it is, I present you with "Tom Cruise Kills Oprah". Or at least the link to it. Happy Fourth Everybody.

Unos, Dos, Tres, Quatorce de Julio

Hello, hello three day weekend. Let's see what's on the schedule...

Oh, ok. Whirlwind weekend. Sweet.

Had to reschedule a much needed haircut so I can catch the 3:20p train to Austin tomorrow. Ray's picking me up at the station. We're supposed to maybe do something with Janxy when I get in. I hope so. Could use a dose of da Janx.

Sunday is Rachel's best friend's wedding. Hope I don't look to shaggy. I'll be coming back to FunkyTown with Rachel's sis and her bf that night.

Monday is all about the Texas Rangers. Going to see them play the Red Sox. Should be a good game and some awesome fireworks after. Going with Mr. and Mrs. WeinMachine. The Mrs. is from Boston and a huge fan. So I hope Texas wins even more than usual. You know, braggin' rights for the drive home. Supposedly we may be meeting Johnny Damon. Update on that after the holiday.

As for today. Well, I've got a ton of work to do. The boss is on vacation again so I'm pulling some extra workload. Am ready for the weekend.

On the relationship (or lack there of) side of things, today would have been 4 years. Instead its just friday. I think we need to see each other this weekend. It'll be good, just kinda weird not having that milestone to celebrate.

Will there ever be fireworks again?

...he waxed poetically