Hey. What's Up? Been a while.
Yeah, sorry. I spend most my days over at Myspace now.
Well since I'm here I'll give you a quickie.
I was the crazy person you saw on the news waiting out in the blistering cold for one of those XBOX 360s. We got in line at 11:30pm on Monday November 21. We were 19th in line.

As you might have gathered from the picture, the cold can make you do ANYTHING for warmth. And the boredom can make you do regrettable things as well.

For instance, these are some pictures of a bakery cart that was abandoned in the Best Buy parking lot. Don't know where it came from. Heard some guys in a pickup were pulling it behind them doing tricks. Regardless we boys had a good old fashioned Jackass session with it in the parking lot. Someone would get in. The rest would push really fast. Ultimately it would hit a curb or light post and hilarity would insue. As you can see it got tore up pretty good. So did the concrete base of that light pole. So did we. Most injuries were minor but unfortunately I was the kid who gets so hurt no one wants to do it anymore. Headfirst into that concrete base is no way to hit let me tell ya. I think I might have brained my damage. If only we had seen this sign before all the hijinx.

The launch day strategy for the Best Buy I went to was well thought out. They came out and wrote down our orders while we were still outside before they opened the store. They told us they had no xboxs on the floor so running in there wasn't going to do any good. After taking our orders they said they would put together everyones orders (system, accessories, games) and set them aside with our ticket in the back. So when they started letting us in we just went to customer service and gave them our ticket copy, they went in the back found the ticket and stuff and brought it out to us. It worked really smoothly.
Finally it was 9:00 am and we got to go inside. I was as excited to be warm as I was for getting my xbox. And I got one. And it's awesome. Yes you can come over and play it anytime you want. Oh, but not you. I don't know you. Everyone else though.
If I had really thought about it we would have bought two and put one up on ebay. The only thing crazier than someone who will wait outside in the cold all night to be the first to own one is someone willing to pay $2000 for one.
Ok, one last pic. Here's the happy gamer.