Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

Your last stop on your way to the dead end of the information highway.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Damn It Feels Good To Be A Fanboy...

So, every once in a while, I, the mild mannered PostHaste, shed my secret identity to become my alter-ego, Fan-Boy: the man with rabid salivating powers. This transformation is usually triggered by the utterance of a mystical phrase such as "Joss Whedon" or "X-Men 3". You really should have seen me when both were uttered in the same sentence. Droolsville. But that's because he did such a fantastic job writing the first twelve ishes of Astonishing X-Men. Factor in that John Cassaday's art is a visual trigger for my salivating powers and... well, it's been a long @$$ wait but finally, FINALLY, lucky number thirteen came out today. Was it worth the wait? You bet your pointy cowl and ridiculous amount of body hair it was, Wolverine!


Right from the get-go we get a flashbacky glimpse that suggests that Emma Frost, in all her white lipstickiness, made a pact with the forces of bad. Again? Dubya-tee-eff, Emma? This sets up a great mystery that is now starting to unfurl in the present storyline. Joss has made it clear that while the first 12 issues were about action these next 12 were going to be about dissecting characters. Man, he and Cassaday really nail how torn (which is the name of this issue) Emma is over these events. Well, except when it comes to messing with Kitty. That's pretty sick, lady. But they don't stop with Miss Frost. Logan has a very funny, very Logan moment in the now decomissioned Danger Room teaching the kids what's still dangerous about it. Even Cykes and Beast have a great scene together where more goes unspoken than spoken. I absolutely enjoyed to the fullest the Kitty/Colossus dynamic this issue. Possibly one of the greatest Kitty scenes ever. Joss excels at writing her and combined with Cassaday's interpretation of her...I officially have a 2-D crush on her. So after we find out more with Emma's consorting with baddies we are left with a jaw dropping last page. If the series keeps up with this kind of storytelling there is no doubt in my mind it will exceed the first two story arcs. Now I sit in bi-monthly wait mode...PostHaste recommends? (whoa - haven't done that in a while) What do you think? I read it twice through like always with Astonishing and I'll probably read it again after I'm done typing this.

PostHaste Recommends

Astonishing X-Men #13

Also, out yesterday but watched today was Ultimate Avengers The Movie DVD which is Marvel's first animated feature if you can believe it. It's based on Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch's Ultimates books and is pretty darn tasty. The books are much better but you can't really compare the two. The animation is crisp thanks to the digital transfer, the sound is great, and what it lacks in story in its mere 70 minutes it makes up for in action and great voice acting. I will definitely be getting the sequel in the summer. Also, if you're like me and love Bryan Hitch's artwork you will want to watch the end credits. Very cool.

PostHaste Recommends

Ultimate Avengers The Movie

Well, that's all I can recommend since the movie and the re-reading of Astonishing #13 has kept me from getting to the rest of my stack. But it was Wednesday so here is the rundown of what else I picked up today:

Freshmen #6

Wolverine #39

Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk

Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane #3

Captain America #15

Solo #9

The Sentry #6

Friday, February 17, 2006

My First MySpace Valentine's

I'm just stopping by to share with those who don't want to go anywhere near that corner of the internet called MySpace some of favorite valentine's day comments I recieved and gave out. Let the valentine's parade begin.

Well, that was fun. On a sidenote relating to the last image there and since my Platonitine asked about it, Joss and John, Whedon and Cassaday, have a little book coming out wednesday called Astonishing X-Men #13. I. CAN'T. WAIT. And fair warning that if you stop by after wednesday next week there will most likely be my geeked out fanboy reaction to it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Moment Of Your Time Please

Sign this petition for me and more importantly the lovely ladies of the TXRD. Let's keep an awesome unique show like Rollergirls on the tv for another season.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Lazy Sunday Fallout

First the West Coast response, "Lazy Monday"

It has it's moments. The Coffee Bean and pottery painting are funny things to rap about right?

Then the Midwest response, "Lazy Muncie"

As seen on

I found this one to be much funnier and the part with Garfield creator Jim Davis is the best!

And the 11-year old response,

You gotta give these kids props!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

When Warren Ellis Says "Jump"...You Help Spread the Word About His Kickin' Podcast

One of my favorite writers, Warren Ellis, puts together these awesome podcasts from indie musicians who donate their mp3s. So if you want to hear some inspired and unique music tune in to the Apparat Programme by clicking the stamp.

Also if you are an indie musician, he needs new music. If you want your music to be included in an Apparat Programme, email your mp3 files directly to:

Thanks for your time. ~c.