Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

Your last stop on your way to the dead end of the information highway.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

When They Were Handing Out Blogs, I Must Have Been In the...

...well if you read the first post you know where that sentence is going.

But seriously, all bathroom humor aside, I really am getting jipped by the short end of the screw. First off when I tried to register my blog as simply "" it was naturally taken. That's cool. It happens. So I settle for the not at all clunky "" ah forget it I can't even write the whole long thing. Well, I thought I would make a courtesy call on the blog that should be mine and what really cheesed me was that the last post is from...May. Come on! People need to... well, I need to use that thing. So I thought we (me and whoever read this and felt so inclined) could comment on that last post from May. You know something like "Crap or get off the pot" or something equally subtle.

Please don't. That's a joke. I have no intentions of spamming someone's comments page. And yes I know I am two for two on bathroom references in my posts. I'll try to clean it up.

Further Jippage

On my profile under music you may have noticed that I put "You Too". Now, while I like your music just fine (yes even you) it is really because of some flaw that won't let it recognize two character long names or something like that. Because there couldn't possibly be any two character long names in music that anyone would list. Or maybe I am just stupid and don't know how to do it right (although I seem to be able to get other ones to work...)

In News That Would Qualify as Nonjippable

I will be writing on another blog. A friend from my Act One days put out a call for writers on his "tongue in cheek sci-fi serial adventure". It will be written in Round Robin which means a rotation of different writers taking the story in shifts with no pre-collaboration. Zaniness ensues. My friend started it off and I have turned in my part which should be appearing any day now. So if you can't get enough of me here, check out (oh sure elseworlds wasn't taken). There will also be an ongoing link on the right of this page for future reference and I'll try to keep you posted when my number is up again.

Further U2 Jippiness

First the tour is delayed (looks like we have to wait til the fall, Texas) and now the few shows that were scheduled in North America this spring were attacked by scalpers.

U2's long time fan club Propaganda closed shop but an official online fan club took its place. By becoming a memeber you could take part in a presale like the old fan club could. Well scalpers took gross advantage of this and you can see for yourself on ebay. Do a search for U2 tickets and you will easily get 76 pages, yes PAGES, of auctions. Keep in mind that there are only 13 North American shows scheduled. Although this doesn't directly affect me because I am waiting til they come back in the fall I was pretty livid. I can only imagine how the band feels. Oh wait no I don't. Larry Mullen emailed me.

So lots of people who paid for the fan club membership are mad because they didn't get tickets. Now while I somehow didn't interpret a fan club membership as a guarantee to get a ticket, lots of others did so they are refunding memberships if you want it. I don't. Thanks though. I can understand people being upset and even getting refunds. Hey if you misinterpretted that's cool. What I can't believe is that "fans" would point fingers at the band. Right. They are hurting for money so they scam their audience with an online version of the fan club they have been doing offline for nearly 30 years. Whatever, Larry Mullen said it better than me so I'll get off my soapbox.

Seacrest Out.


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