Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

Your last stop on your way to the dead end of the information highway.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Meanwhile, in another part of the city...PostHaste Recommends!


That's right, kids. It's weekly comics recommendation time. And it's a doosy. Well, not really. Mostly I feel like I'm just carrying the torch for titles that have already appeared here before. Namely:

Ex-Machina # 9. Still Brian K Vaughan. Still good political drama meets sci-fi action. And the mystery really gets cranked up a notch this week. What a cliff-hanger!

Ultimates 2 # 4. Meet the European Ultimates! Thor was right about European super soldiers but not right in leading violent protest demonstrations. Plus more evidence surfaces that points to Thor being just a crazy guy with stolen powers (or is he???). Well, I guess theirs nothing left for his former teammates to do but paraphrase Franz Ferdinand and "Take Him Out!" (Actually I just paraphrased them not the fine writer Mark Millar). Speaking of...

Wolverine # 26. Yup, Millar has got this "super hero as soldier" thing down as the "Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D." arc starts up. Bonus: Origin of Gorgon! Also answers the question of how can Northstar be in X-Men: The End's future storyline if Wolverine just skewered him last month. Really should have seen that coming. Also, bask in the irony of how little we see Wolverine in this issue. Could it be that he's too busy in all the other titles to show up for his own comic. Or the more probable explanation that comas aren't that interesting... Props to Wein Machine for drawing the conclusion that now that Wolverine is agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. he may FINALLY appear in New Avengers and quite naturally so.

Okay. Now if you keep track at home you know I like to bring out the big surprise at the end. Well, this ones a biggie. Not one of this week's releases but a title I am just finding the joys of...

Mary Jane. Yup. I'm a girl. I can hear your mocking now. "I bet you liked Dawson's Creek too, you big...girl." Well, yes I did, actually. The first season at least and then less and less as it refused to go off the air. But that's why I am drawn to the MJ comic. It's like a great teen high-school soap but with a little bit of costumed action thrown in. It's great. Very popular girl who could go to Homecoming with any of the guys from school, so why can't she get over her infatuation with the guy in red and blue tights. I'm a sucker for genre-crossing if it's good. This is like"Love Fights" jr in the marvel u. It's fun. What? You still think I'm a girl, huh? Well, I endured unending ridicule for Dawson's Creek so I guess I'll just have to for Spidey's Creek too.

(rolls 2d10 with girly comic modifier and... fails masculinity check!)

which was pretty much a given even mentioning comics or dice roll checks in the first place.

Tune in next time where I'll be making more recommendations on books like Tiger Beat and YM!


  • At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    it be fascinatin how smoothly ya transition from thor ta tiger beat - aww yea foo.


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