Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

No One Worries About Upsetting A Droid...

Well, I just noticed today that Star Wars tickets are onsale online so I have to figure out which midnight showing I'm going to partake. It's tradition and just such a fun atmosphere to see the movies. I'm seriously contemplating seeing it at the Cinemark Legacy in Plano. They have the DLP (digital light processing) projectors out there that are amazing especially when a movie is all digital like Star Wars. It's like looking through a window when watching the film. Beautiful. I will definitely see it out there I just don't know if it will be the midnight showing or not (you see for I plan on seeing it more than once no matter how bad it could be.)

I actually have some high hopes for this one when compared to the previous two. I've pretty much given up on it being on par with the original three but it has to be the best of the "prequels". Plus, the PG-13 rating makes me think this is actually going to be pretty dark and therefore less gungans and ewoks...and more Wookiees. Pissed off army of Wookiees gone wild. I heard they were known for ripping arms out of their sockets when they get upset.


  • At 10:35 PM, Blogger PostHaste said…

    silly PostHaste. the midnight showings for the DLP are already sold out. both of em. what was i thinking??? i will be going out there to see it in DLP after the crazies die down. leave a comment and let me know if you want to go with :)


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