Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

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Monday, May 09, 2005

Thank God For C.S.L. & DSL

I just got done watching "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" teaser trailer online...I'm still a little speechless. I can type just fine though.

I already had some nice high hopes going for this anyway and after viewing I can definitely say they are justified and then some. The Chronicles of Narnia are easily my favorite books from when I was a kid. Heck, they are definitely up there on my list of all time favorite books period. It might have been all the snow footage but I definitely had some chills going. I think it probably had more to do with how ALLlESOME Aslan looked.

Rumor has it this teaser will premiere in theaters with Episode III. I didn't think it was possible to be anymore excited for SWE3ROTS but I think it just doubled. I'm seriously at least as excited to see this trailer on the big screen as I am to see the movie playing after it. w00t! Hopefully I picked a theater that will have it's act together and play this trailer at the midnight screening I'm going to.

Anyway, I know some of you are eagerly awaiting me to stop typing and give you something you can click on so here's the link. But you can only click on it under one condition. You have to come back here and leave your own thoughts on how much it pwned (or didn't if you are a crazy person) in my little comments section. Well, what are you waiting for? Go on, click away.

Hi-res version. Be prepared. Takes a little while even with high speed. Probably takes a couple days with dialup. I don't know, I have no concept of time. Oh and the irony is not lost that it is QuickTime format only. Get it? QuickTime...but it's not...*sigh* and yes you can right-click save as on that link to save it directly to your computer to watch whenever you want. It costs 54mb.

Here's a link to the main page for a choice of regular or the above x-large trailer. I haven't watched the regular but I'd definitely say go for the hi-res. Although, the other one may be more dialup friendly.

Lastly, thanks to Tom for sending me the link in the first place. And just to prove that I don't just give out awards lightly in email conversation. He is the receipient of the My Favorite Person of the Day Award for 9 May 2005. Congratulations again, Tom.


  • At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Fancy meeting you here JB!
    Hey Coy, you weren't joking about that long/quicktime... I think it took almost twenty minutes.
    But was it worth it...? Absofeakinlutely. I watched it twice. Wow, I'm so pumped!
    I do have one complaint though, I didn't much care for that whole ending scene... you know, the one that says we have to wait until DECEMBER!?!? What the H?

  • At 3:53 PM, Blogger PostHaste said…

    ~jb~: you did a fine job of commenting and tracking me down.

    shad: well if you think about how that 20 minutes was worth the 6 or 7 minutes of trailer...7 months will make the 2 or so hours of movie that much sweeter. I guess. My math's a little rusty.

  • At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    these books ARE my favorite books. i have read the entire series a half dozen times over my lifetime. since i was 12 i have had the visual images in my head.

    i have to say that the effects rock. the thing is awesomely british. the kids look perfect. best computer lion of all time. it looks awesome...

    ...and i hate it. i can't help it. as cool and as great as it is and as good as it looks i haven't made peace with it.

    i don't know that i ever will.

    pray for me.

  • At 4:01 PM, Blogger PostHaste said…

    that's incredibly sad. i will pray for you.
    i saw the trailer on the big screen wednesday night and was near tears. the whole place (which was sold out with star wars nerds) was cheering at the end.
    but i'm sure there is nothing wrong with you...


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