Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

Your last stop on your way to the dead end of the information highway.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Go Stars!

Ok so there was no hockey last year and it sucked. But last night, I stumbled upon the best thing to come to television programming since the sliced bread channel. The brilliant minds at Fox Sports Net are showing the "Dallas Stars Ultimate Collection". They are the highlights of the key 1999 playoff and Stanley Cup finals games condensed into one hour episodes. Last Night I caught some round three action, Stars vs Avs. It was just so awesome to see that team in action. I found myself missing Joe Nieuwendyk, Darian Hatcher, "Steady" Eddie Balfour, and Brett Hull in the green and gold jerseys. And Mike Modano was possibly playing at his best. I can't believe that was six years ago. I can't believe that even though I knew the Stars were going to win I still found myself raising my hands when they score a goal. Even though I want hockey back, reliving the games of when that team was at its absolute best, is almost better than having a season. Sure I may be living in the past but there is no present as far as hockey is concerned. So thanks Fox Sports Net Southwest. And thanks to the '99 Stanley Cup Champion Dallas Stars for bringing the cup home that year. Let's do it again soon.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Least Subtle Intersection Award

My friend was out walking and took this picture. How would you like to tell your friends that you live on this corner? I bet they'd all come see you.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Geekend Update

I once took some constructive criticism about my blog which was, and I'm paraphrasing ie. grossly misquoting, "I don't read the entries about your stupid geeky comics and movies you big dumb geek." Or something like that. No, seriously, they were saying that they were much more interested in my life than my thoughts on pop culture. This actually took me by surprise because I don't find my life all that interesting. That's WHY there's pop culture. So I felt a little pressure to shy away from comic recommendations and what-not and a lot of pressure to lead a more interesting life. Which was actually a good thing because who knew I would rekindle my love of downtown FW? I think night's out on the town qualify as pop culture so it's a good fit on my blog, but I don't want it to totally become a barfly journal either. Unfortunately, I'm too guarded to talk openly on the internet (or anywhere else for that matter) about the huge shakeup in my life: me + Rachel = not dating. I've read some blogs where people are so emotionally open like that and although I'm sure it would be interesting I just can't get that naked on the internet. Except for that one time...But maybe I'll show you a little ankle, you Puritan.

Guess what? I'm really good right now. I like my job and the people I work with are the best. I just got a raise and a great review. Just moved into my own little two bedroom apartment that I got a great deal on and have more bills than ever therefore feeling more grownup than ever. I'm looking to get a new car soon which means my first car payments ever and even more grownup feelings. I've seen my parents, girlfriend, and two best friends all move away over the last year but I'm making some new friends which is really exciting. Plus those that have gone are the kind of people I know I will always be close to. I just got to figure out what I am doing that make these people want to move away. j/k. Just minor abandonment issues. I still have great friends here too. Just got DSL and my Halo 2 rankings are going up, not down. Usually. Despite the breakup, Rachel and I are still very close and talk all the time. We even still share a cell phone plan and some cookware. There's still hope there and a bridge and maybe some crossing too. Right now, I'm enjoying being single. I mean it sucked and it was really dark at first but now it's just like, cool, I'm going to take care of me and have fun and I can honestly say that I don't even have a care in the world about dating right now which is fantastic. I'm going to be a guy and play video games and read all the comics I want and go out and meet all kinds of interesting people. I'm going to Green Day and U2 this year and you'll find my socks two states over next to some Casbahs all of which will be totally rocked. And Family Guy is back with all new episodes.

So, not to go all American Beauty on you but there have been the highest highs and lowest lows all going on but I can't help but feel appreciative. I just want to go on Oprah and abuse her furniture and pump my fists. (Speaking of lowest lows...Katie...WTF? I don't even know who you are anymore!)

So I'll just sum it all up with a picture:

Ha-ha. Snuck the geeky stuff in there anyway.

The teaser poster for X-Men 3 was released. Pretty cool. Even though this movie is on it's third director (none of which were my dream pick, Joss Whedon) and I'm thinking this movie is cursed much like Superman III, that poster is freakin sweet. And they cast Kelsey Grammer as the Beast. Inspired.

<3 PH.

The Four Horsemen of the Pop Culture Apocalypse

Or is it 3 Horsemen and a Little Lady? You know, the sequel.

Ah, Selleck, Danson, and especially Guttenberg. We need you now more than ever.

Anyway, felt like putting a picture up. Here's the last time Shad, me, Rachel, and Janxy were all four together and photographed by Jordan. I bet I'm the only person who has ever worn an X-Men shirt to that club. In all fairness I didn't get to change before I found out we were going there. Plus, it's a Cassaday reprint. It's a new classic.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

It's Like Kidz Bop For Grownups

Last weekend I was finally able to go downtown again. Now that I'm all moved in to my new apartment (more on that later) and I got my dad all loaded up and off to New Mexico again I was ready for my three week downtown hiatus to be over. So Saturday I resolved I would go. I called my friend M from work to see if she had plans. She got off work at 8pm so I told her to meet me at my place after and we'd hit the town. I had just got my DSL installed that morning so it gave me some more time to play Halo 2 until then. I love Xbox Live. I was playing with three other guys that I know (in the real world not just online) and after a while we suddenly realized that we were all playing Halo together at our individual homes that are alll less than a mile away from each other. And to think we used to have plan those huge LAN parties. Now we just sit on our @$$es and pick up a controller.

Anyway, M picks me up and after a quick bite we drop into FunkyTown. At first I wasn't sure where to go. 8.0 had a really tight sounding live band playing outside. They were covering NIN and sounding just like them. On the other hand, The Flying Saucer also had a band going. They were covering "Hella Good" so hella well that I thought it was actually coming from City Streets. I mean the bass line and drums were so on. But 8.0 and Flying Saucer? Love em but been there. I was in the mood for something new.

"Let's go to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar."

We had afterall already missed half of the burlesque show. We got right in to Pete's, but it was busting at the seams inside. We were standing half the time we were there. Later one seat, then two opened up. I later gave up my seat for a girl who was standing nearby with her boyfriend. They both thanked me and were so impressed/shocked. I guess mama raised me too good for this day and age.

Pete's is the loudest place I may have ever been. When they stamp you it says "Sing Loud". Actually my stamp didn't take so I was to "Sing Lou". I broke into "Satellite of Love"... not really. Pete's has two piano's back to back so that the pianists *giggle* are facing each other. There are four guys who rotate in two's every hour on the hour. Sometimes all four play with some of one jumping on drums or bass or guitar. You name it they played it proficiently. Crowd singing was mandatory. Of course there was some Billy Joel but they played a wide array. Willie and Waylon, Zeppellin, the Beatles, Bon Jovi, Tenacious D's "FHG"!, even "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix A Lot. They take requests and bring people on stage and offer lots in the way of audience participation. Like guys vs. girls swearing matches (Jimmy Buffet brings out the worst in people I guess). It was all very funny, very fun. FT Worth Weekly named it best place to embarrass an out of town guest. They did make one guy put on a wig and boa while serenading him with Billy Joel's "Just Like a Woman". Though the words had been changed to "That night you dressed like a woman for me."

Drink wise it was two Jamesons & coke and one 7s & 7. M had her default Crown & coke and a long island iced tea. The bartender there that kept helping me (maybe because I naturally gravitated to her side of the bar) was so hawt. So much that it bore mentioning here.

Yeah so Pete's rocked. So much so that I had concert ring well into the morning. Mostly from how loud the crowd got while singing along. Sing Lou indeed. I'm also convinced that on any given Saturday night downtown there are a hundred bachelorette parties going on. I didn't even think half of em are getting married, their just doing the party. Cuz I keep seeing the same girls. Ok, maybe not but the same archtypes. Wait, is big, blonde, and drunk and archtype or a stereotype for Texas girl? No matter. Deep down we're all a little bit party girl...right? Anyone? Bueller?

Looking forward to this weekend. Would really like to make it downtown again. I guess I'm reliving my early twenties or something. If I make it down there I think I will try the Guiness Lifestyle Diet or as I call it, the Rachel Diet. ;) j/k babe. But seriously the link takes you to a very compelling blog that I read from start to finish. Made me want to go back to England. But what doesn't. I think I could live there. Love it.

Monday, June 13, 2005

w00t! Update! w00t! w00t!

After a very long delay... there is finally an update on the Elseworlds blog. for those of you who haven't been checking out the elseworlds, you should. It's a small group of writer's who are writing a sci-fi comedy in a round robin sort of way. That is, we each take turns writing not knowing where we are going to end up really. It's fun and so far been a good read too. It's been long overdue but a new chapter just went up so if you've been reading it but gave up on it continuing, go back and check. And if you haven't been at all, go check it. Because all of the story so far has been building up to this: Shad, one of my favorite writers, is up next. If you read his blog, you'd know. Not one to plug his own horn, I thought I would since I was plugging blogs that are close to my <3 anyway.

I'll try to get on this week and post again. Things have been so biz-zay! Lots to blog about, not enough time, you know.

You stay classy...internet...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Yikes! Time to get those manties out of their wads, gents!

Because it's the long-awaited conclusion to the now much over-hyped "Heavenly Nights..."

I see the marquee. I see the words "Burlesque Review". I'm a guy. I know all about the Pussycat Dolls. I say nothing. I'm with a young lady and I don't know anything about this show's repute - ill or otherwise.

The young lady however happens to be the coolest best friend, girlfriend, and former girlfriend that I have ever had. Upon her seeing the sign she says, "Ooh! We have to check that out." She's already headed for the entrance. My Y-chromosome is thinking: "Awesome!" My X-chromosome is thinking: "This could be extremely akward and/or something I'm not into if it's sleazy." But we had just left the Paddy Reds so I didn't care about thoughts or thinking, if you catch my meaning.

We descend some stairs into shadowy depths with scant traces of red lighting. We approach the guy who takes the money. I noticed that this is Hyena's, a local comendy club. The idea that it might not take itself too seriously appeals to me more. Rachel asks the guy what the show is like.

"Have you heard of the Pussycat Dolls?" Rachel says no. I'm nodding. He continues, "We have a live jazz ensemble and the girls come out and sing and dance. Our MC is a regular comedian here and she sings and does some standup and she's great."

We're intrigued. "How much is the show?"

"Cover is ten bucks, but since you two just came in off the street looking for something to do we'll let you in for free. If you like the show just remember us and tell your friends."

"Serious? Awesome! Thank you..." He hands me a free ticket for the next time I come as well. So cool. After that, there was a little bit of a scary moment as I couldn't find my driver's license. It wasn't in the wallet window or in my pocket. I started to fear that I had left it next door. Anti-climatically, it was just behind my bank card. We're all good again. We get our wristbands and descend further.

We are met at the bottom of the stairs by a guy who works the club. He helps us find a table. He talks to us about the show. We learn his fiancee is the MC. They've been doing the show there at Hyena's for a few weeks. We should let him know if we need anything. He goes back to his post. I'm looking around the place. Everywhere we had been so far had espn news on over the bar. This place? Pulp Fiction was playing. The gimp scene to be specific. The stage is larger than I expected and there are no poles on it. I'm further relieved that this will not be sleazy. The waitresses are all wearing the fishnet, high heel boot, lingerie get-ups so I'm thinking they may double as the act too. They don't. They're too busy serving. Ours comes over. She's nice and we go with red bull vodkas.

The MC comes out and does a great rendition of "When You're Good To Mama" from Chicago wearing a sequin gown and I think a boa too. She introduces the band and then her girls. They come out and I'm pleased that they are all just normal girls. Not plastic bimbos or anything like that. For example, Mama makes the point that we can't tip the dancers. As for their outfits, think Chicago and Moulin Rouge with maybe just a little bit of rollergirl. I thought they were classy sexy sassy. I'm already noticing that over half of the audience is women. There is a bachelorette party up front. There is only one group of just guys and they are sitting in the VIP area smoking cigars. There are tons of couples and it seems that the women were bringing their guys not vice versa. Rachel remarked that watching those normal girls do their thing and be sexy, that every girl in the place couldn't help but feel confident and comfortable with who they were and thus feel sexy themselves. Sexy by example I call it now.

Anyway, each of the girls has a great stage name and can sing and dance. It was really a great show and a great experience. The comedy, the live music and dancing...I put it right up there with rollerderby and I am definitely going to go back as soon as I can. Like rollerderby, it's really hard to describe to someone who hasn't seen it. So you should go with me next time.

Afterwards, the guy who seated us introduced us to his MC fiancee. She was also so nice and we talked for a little while. They were so happy to meet us and that we came out. Yeah, we're on a first name basis. I'm pretty much on the guest list now.

So we bid our new friends goodnight and made our way back out to the street. It was getting late now and we needed to sober up a bit so we stopped into Bennigan's and ordered coffee. Since there was hardly any customers there we made lots more friends with the bartender and staff there. One of the waiters put a full pint of Guiness in front of me because someone had bought it for him but he didn't want it. So I HAD to put that away while drinking lots of coffee. It would have been rude to refuse a new friend. I also made some special new friends in the form of another bachelorette party. Two of the girls from the group were ordering a shot for the lucky lady. This particular shot requires male assistance and the bartender was busy so being the next sexiest guy there and again not caring or thinking at this point I obliged. Plus Rachel said I had to so...This girl was very sweet and I think I was more embarrassed than she was but we put on a good show and I wished her all the best on her upcoming nuptials.

That's it. That's the night in all it's crazy, fun, new friend making glory. I've got two more spots that I plan on regularly hitting and "I know a guy" at a lot more places. I think they probably all remember Rachel much more than me but here's hoping I'll be able to click in a few heads too. I don't care if it's Austin or Fort Worth just give Ray one night and she'll be running the place, little social butterfly that she is.

Anyway, here's some links as a reward if you made it down this far. I don't feel like revising this beast so hopefully it's light on the suck. PostHaste out!

Links: Red Light Burlesque Review
Flying Saucer

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

No Cliffhanger Intended...

I really meant to finish my little story in a timely two-part manner but I am currently in the middle of a whirlwind that I like to call "moving". So I'm not moving very far, just right down the street from where I am now but I am also helping my dad move the rest of their stuff. We finished moving me today and hopefully we can knock the rest out tomorrow. Anyway, that's my mini-update. I will finish my story from last week and also blog about my new place. But probably not until next week.