Geekend Update
I once took some constructive criticism about my blog which was, and I'm paraphrasing ie. grossly misquoting, "I don't read the entries about your stupid geeky comics and movies you big dumb geek." Or something like that. No, seriously, they were saying that they were much more interested in my life than my thoughts on pop culture. This actually took me by surprise because I don't find my life all that interesting. That's WHY there's pop culture. So I felt a little pressure to shy away from comic recommendations and what-not and a lot of pressure to lead a more interesting life. Which was actually a good thing because who knew I would rekindle my love of downtown FW? I think night's out on the town qualify as pop culture so it's a good fit on my blog, but I don't want it to totally become a barfly journal either. Unfortunately, I'm too guarded to talk openly on the internet (or anywhere else for that matter) about the huge shakeup in my life: me + Rachel = not dating. I've read some blogs where people are so emotionally open like that and although I'm sure it would be interesting I just can't get that naked on the internet. Except for that one time...But maybe I'll show you a little ankle, you Puritan.
Guess what? I'm really good right now. I like my job and the people I work with are the best. I just got a raise and a great review. Just moved into my own little two bedroom apartment that I got a great deal on and have more bills than ever therefore feeling more grownup than ever. I'm looking to get a new car soon which means my first car payments ever and even more grownup feelings. I've seen my parents, girlfriend, and two best friends all move away over the last year but I'm making some new friends which is really exciting. Plus those that have gone are the kind of people I know I will always be close to. I just got to figure out what I am doing that make these people want to move away. j/k. Just minor abandonment issues. I still have great friends here too. Just got DSL and my Halo 2 rankings are going up, not down. Usually. Despite the breakup, Rachel and I are still very close and talk all the time. We even still share a cell phone plan and some cookware. There's still hope there and a bridge and maybe some crossing too. Right now, I'm enjoying being single. I mean it sucked and it was really dark at first but now it's just like, cool, I'm going to take care of me and have fun and I can honestly say that I don't even have a care in the world about dating right now which is fantastic. I'm going to be a guy and play video games and read all the comics I want and go out and meet all kinds of interesting people. I'm going to Green Day and U2 this year and you'll find my socks two states over next to some Casbahs all of which will be totally rocked. And Family Guy is back with all new episodes.
So, not to go all American Beauty on you but there have been the highest highs and lowest lows all going on but I can't help but feel appreciative. I just want to go on Oprah and abuse her furniture and pump my fists. (Speaking of lowest lows...Katie...WTF? I don't even know who you are anymore!)
So I'll just sum it all up with a picture:

Ha-ha. Snuck the geeky stuff in there anyway.
The teaser poster for X-Men 3 was released. Pretty cool. Even though this movie is on it's third director (none of which were my dream pick, Joss Whedon) and I'm thinking this movie is cursed much like Superman III, that poster is freakin sweet. And they cast Kelsey Grammer as the Beast. Inspired.
<3 PH.
Guess what? I'm really good right now. I like my job and the people I work with are the best. I just got a raise and a great review. Just moved into my own little two bedroom apartment that I got a great deal on and have more bills than ever therefore feeling more grownup than ever. I'm looking to get a new car soon which means my first car payments ever and even more grownup feelings. I've seen my parents, girlfriend, and two best friends all move away over the last year but I'm making some new friends which is really exciting. Plus those that have gone are the kind of people I know I will always be close to. I just got to figure out what I am doing that make these people want to move away. j/k. Just minor abandonment issues. I still have great friends here too. Just got DSL and my Halo 2 rankings are going up, not down. Usually. Despite the breakup, Rachel and I are still very close and talk all the time. We even still share a cell phone plan and some cookware. There's still hope there and a bridge and maybe some crossing too. Right now, I'm enjoying being single. I mean it sucked and it was really dark at first but now it's just like, cool, I'm going to take care of me and have fun and I can honestly say that I don't even have a care in the world about dating right now which is fantastic. I'm going to be a guy and play video games and read all the comics I want and go out and meet all kinds of interesting people. I'm going to Green Day and U2 this year and you'll find my socks two states over next to some Casbahs all of which will be totally rocked. And Family Guy is back with all new episodes.
So, not to go all American Beauty on you but there have been the highest highs and lowest lows all going on but I can't help but feel appreciative. I just want to go on Oprah and abuse her furniture and pump my fists. (Speaking of lowest lows...Katie...WTF? I don't even know who you are anymore!)
So I'll just sum it all up with a picture:

Ha-ha. Snuck the geeky stuff in there anyway.
The teaser poster for X-Men 3 was released. Pretty cool. Even though this movie is on it's third director (none of which were my dream pick, Joss Whedon) and I'm thinking this movie is cursed much like Superman III, that poster is freakin sweet. And they cast Kelsey Grammer as the Beast. Inspired.
<3 PH.
At 10:12 PM,
Daryel said…
Hey man. I know how you feel about all your friends moving away. I'm trying to figure out what I've been doing wrong as well.
At 9:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
ah, miss you too fellar.
i am glad to hear that you have decided to be a guy.
good call.
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