Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

Your last stop on your way to the dead end of the information highway.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Superfast, Non-Anecdotal Update

Top Ten Reasons Why I Don't Blog So Much (In no particular order):

10. Still addicted. No signs of letting up. Consider this: my profile on there has as many hits in just a couple months as my blog has had in over a year. With a community nearing 50,000,000 members, you are bound to run into friends long lost or short found. This week I hit the century mark on my friends list. And almost all of them are people I actually know. Why aren't you on there? I mean, occasionally creepy factor aside, it's fun.

9. Serenity: Ultrarushed dvd release means I have seen this movie some eight times since it's September theatrical release. And no, I'm not getting tired of it or quoting it. And yes, I do notice something new everytime. If you were in any way dissapointed by sci-fi movies last year, chances are you didn't see this one.

8. Spreading the Gospel of Whedon: Serenity viewings begat Firefly marathons which begat Buffy marathons which begat Angel marathons which begat loaning out my copies of Astonishing X-Men which begat building a golden Joss shrine and naming my first born River.

7. Holiday travels: Spent an extra long, extra great vacation with the parents out in NM. My sister and her family were there also. Completely wonderful. Also, first time I took the Focus out for a loooong road trip.

6. Rollergirls on A&E: It only takes up one hour of my week so I doubt how much it is contributing to my lack of blogging but it merits a mention just because of how kick ass it is. You may remember me blogging about a rollerderby last year. Well the bout we went to was the second episode of the show. I saw part of my friend's face and hand in one of the crowd shots. Hooray for partial Shaddage.

5. Guitar Hero for PS2: OMG! I have never wanted to own a PS2 before now. With the Gibson SG-esque controller and all the awesome songs, I have been spending many hours over at Sparda's playing this. It rocks! It's like DDR but I can look somewhat cool doing it. Not that I'm tired of...

4. XBOX 360: If you look to the right under my profile you will see my gamercard. It shows the last five games I've played. Perfect Dark Zero was awesome. Played some co-op missions over xbox live with Klinkcow and it was amazing. And with game demos you can download directly to the hard drive I've got games to play all the time and I haven't even bought a game yet. Phenomenal.

3. Comics: I was really backed up on my comic reading. As much as three months behind on some titles. I used my freetime and a little fiber to catchup. I'm still about a week behind but that's the norm for me. A light subscription week last week helped too but this week is gonna slam me again. Like that's a bad thing.

2. Sudoku: Wow. Even more addictive than black tar heroine, nicotine, and MySpace combined. I was given a Sudoku book as a stocking stuffer from Rachel's mom. Easily one of my favorite gifts. They are puzzles and once you start doing them you can't stop and you dream about them and suddenly everything you do or see breaks into blocks of nine...My sister and Sparda got addicted to them also (since I carry the book on me at all never know when you will have the urge).

1. Work, work, work: Seems like I've been a little busier at work. Catching up from all the days I was off over the holidays no doubt. Good news is I got two more raises. They happened to fall on the same paycheck too so it was quite a leap forward. My job is awesome and I am well taken care of, thank God.

Well, this wasn't so superfast as I thought it was going to be...hopefully it will be for you gentle reader. It actually kinda got pretty close to anecdotal there too... oh well, misleading title aside it was good. I'll try to be back on here soon...but you know what they say: "If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak."

Oh this update was light on the photo side so here's a good one (mainly for the non-myspace people):

"How's it sit? Pretty cunnin' dontcha think?"

Thanks to Sparda for letting me borrow his awesome Jayne hat and to his grandma for knitting it for him (coolest. grandma. ever) and to Verizon wireless for hooking me up with an awesome camera phone. Now I can take pics and just email them to myself to get them online. My new camera phone should have made the top ten as well now that I think about it. If you haven't called me in a while you should. You won't hear ringing anymore because now it plays music or "Ringback tones". And if you don't get me you'll get to hear an awesome clip from Family Guy for my voicemail which I try to change out monthly.

Alright, signing off to fight the inevitable losing battle of trying not to watch American Idol this year...