We Interupt This Blog For An Important Announcement
Sorry for the lack of posting lately. I was in Austin last week and am sick this week. My next real post will be about my trip. Hopefully I will get that up before the weekend.
...so seems like a lot of people down in Austin were sick during my visit. And now that I am back I'm finding that a bunch of people up here are too. And wouldn't you know it, now I have caught the "something's been going around" bug. It's not fun. But before bed I am gonna drop a Nyquil bomb on it. And I intend to let that be an example to all the other things "going around". That's just my foreign policy on them. I make no apologies.
Except for when I don't post often enough. But I am popping my nose out from under the tissue to appease the masses.
If You Can't Get It At Wal-Mart, Then You Don't Need It
I had to get groceries today at Wal-Mart which means I got some new dvds and music.
Taking Back Sunday - "Where You Want To Be"
John Mayer - "Heavier Things"
Finally! Both of these have been long overdue on my list. I've already listened to them both and highly recommend them. The cd booklet for "Heavier Things" is just about the most unique I've seen. Find someone nearby who has it and check it out for yourself.
Donnie Darko: Director's Cut (haven't seen this cut yet of one of my favorite movies. as long as the soundtrack is intact, I don't see how it could go wrong)
Anchorman (just recently watched this again and have been quoting it nonstop. had to buy)
Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2 (been meaning to for a while. They were $13.72 each. had to pounce)
SNL: Best of Jimmy Fallon (apparently I'm a sucker for actors who can't keep it together live)
Shaun of the Dead (because it owns! one of the best films of last year)
Also Comics! (not from wal-mart)
(note that I haven't read these yet but I can absolutely give a blind recommendation on these)
Astonishing X-Men #8 (go Joss go!)
Runaways vol 2 # 1 (just finished vol 1 in the trades last week and am stoked about this relaunch. Brian K. Vaughan is the man right now!)
Ex Machina # 8 (BKV again. seriously. read everything this guy's name is on. if you're into comics that is. actually, even if you aren't)
Wolverine # 25 (I jumped on board this wolviebook back when Millar took over. this story line has been great.)
Green Lantern: Rebirth # 4 (come on! It's Hal Jordan!)
I'm going to try and give weekly comic picks. If only because I know Janx cares.
Lastly, Wow.
Someone on my Act One newsgroup linked to this article. I read it and just loved the guys style and his story. It felt more like a short story than an article reporting on Christian Rock festivals. It is wordy (23 pages so... you. will. click. next. a. lot.) but I couldn't stop reading it. If you enjoy good writing and soul searching, have ever been to a Christian music festival, and/or love those crazy West Virginians, then I highly recommend.
Oh, and if you read my entry at the elseworlds blog and haven't praised me or torn me a new one please leave a comment here on my blog. Thanks.
Now for Nyquil induced coma.
...so seems like a lot of people down in Austin were sick during my visit. And now that I am back I'm finding that a bunch of people up here are too. And wouldn't you know it, now I have caught the "something's been going around" bug. It's not fun. But before bed I am gonna drop a Nyquil bomb on it. And I intend to let that be an example to all the other things "going around". That's just my foreign policy on them. I make no apologies.
Except for when I don't post often enough. But I am popping my nose out from under the tissue to appease the masses.
If You Can't Get It At Wal-Mart, Then You Don't Need It
I had to get groceries today at Wal-Mart which means I got some new dvds and music.
Taking Back Sunday - "Where You Want To Be"
John Mayer - "Heavier Things"
Finally! Both of these have been long overdue on my list. I've already listened to them both and highly recommend them. The cd booklet for "Heavier Things" is just about the most unique I've seen. Find someone nearby who has it and check it out for yourself.
Donnie Darko: Director's Cut (haven't seen this cut yet of one of my favorite movies. as long as the soundtrack is intact, I don't see how it could go wrong)
Anchorman (just recently watched this again and have been quoting it nonstop. had to buy)
Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2 (been meaning to for a while. They were $13.72 each. had to pounce)
SNL: Best of Jimmy Fallon (apparently I'm a sucker for actors who can't keep it together live)
Shaun of the Dead (because it owns! one of the best films of last year)
Also Comics! (not from wal-mart)
(note that I haven't read these yet but I can absolutely give a blind recommendation on these)
Astonishing X-Men #8 (go Joss go!)
Runaways vol 2 # 1 (just finished vol 1 in the trades last week and am stoked about this relaunch. Brian K. Vaughan is the man right now!)
Ex Machina # 8 (BKV again. seriously. read everything this guy's name is on. if you're into comics that is. actually, even if you aren't)
Wolverine # 25 (I jumped on board this wolviebook back when Millar took over. this story line has been great.)
Green Lantern: Rebirth # 4 (come on! It's Hal Jordan!)
I'm going to try and give weekly comic picks. If only because I know Janx cares.
Lastly, Wow.
Someone on my Act One newsgroup linked to this article. I read it and just loved the guys style and his story. It felt more like a short story than an article reporting on Christian Rock festivals. It is wordy (23 pages so... you. will. click. next. a. lot.) but I couldn't stop reading it. If you enjoy good writing and soul searching, have ever been to a Christian music festival, and/or love those crazy West Virginians, then I highly recommend.
Oh, and if you read my entry at the elseworlds blog and haven't praised me or torn me a new one please leave a comment here on my blog. Thanks.
Now for Nyquil induced coma.
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