Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

Mixed Emotions

I blame the 14 hours of work I pulled yesterday for almost missing the big news today. Just barely found out before it was yesterday's news.

Joss Whedon is writing and directing the Wonder Woman movie! Yay for Joss!

I'm happy for him. It's a big gig. But I gotta admit I really thought he was the man for the X-Men 3 job. His work on Astonishing X-Men had really got me jonesing for him to do the next X movie. It would be an automatic great movie. Now I don't see how he could do it. So we'll just have to wait to see who they get for it. First no Singer. Now no Joss. If they get McG, I swear to Logan I can't be held responsible for what I might do.

My take on the Wonder Woman's a huge risk. If anyone is qualified to finally do a superheroine movie right it's him. He's got a rabid fanbase who will see it no matter what (me included) but will the rest of the movie going audience forgive past movies like Catwoman? (Movie comparison has nothing to do with forgiving Joss, as he had nothing to do with it, but forgiving the genre of superheroine movies put out by warner bros.) I'm excited but very nervous and a little bummed for the X-Men franchise.

To be honest, unless the Wonder Woman trailer kicked butt I probably wouldn't have seen it if anybody else made it. I know she is THE icon for women in comics but I never really got into her other than Justice League team setting stuff. Now why they don't make a JL movie I have no idea...still, I think Joss'll do it right. I'll be there.


  • At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah, I'm jazzed about Joss's Wonderwoman. How can it not be fantastic? Buffy was all girl hero so I think the world will be unable to let this one slip by.

  • At 2:56 PM, Blogger PostHaste said…

    true. I think Joss has got the girl hero thing down...but another thing that I think made Buffy work so well was the whole team (the scooby gang if you will). It's also what makes Astonishing X-Men work and why I think it would have been better for him to do X3. But, the wonder woman movie would have suffered. and other people can do x-men but not many could do ww. selah.


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