Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

Your last stop on your way to the dead end of the information highway.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

PostHaste Recommends Saving Toby

Or not saving him. Either way I am going to be watching how this plays out. Just go here:
***disclaimer!!! endangerment to cute woodland creature***

Make sure and go to the updates section and read the hate mail. Hold on wait a sec...
***disclaimer!!! adult language used by people who probably aren't very adult at least mentally speaking***

There. Oh and...

there. Better hurry too. This site may not make it very long. It's coming under all kinds of fire. Don't know why...


  • At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    These are hilarious! For a nano-second I actually did think it was kind of mean, and then I realized rabbit is a perfectly legitimate food. And if people get enough of a kick out of it to give the guy some money, so be it. I love how half the time I can't tell if the authors of hatemail really are idiots, or if they are trying to be funny. Regretfully (if no less entertained), I'm forced to lean toward the former.

  • At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    this makes me mad. bunnies ain't for eatin', they're for not feeding trix to. i think this fellar should be taken down the butcher and butchered and fed to old toby there.

  • At 10:29 PM, Blogger PostHaste said…

    yeah, i too at first thought it was pretty wrong but now that the donations part of the site is down and it's just money made from selling tees and mugs i don't see it as bunny extortion quite as much. but even saying bunny extortion makes it pretty funny. i think most of the people that are mad at them making money off this are just mad because they didn't think of it first. i love the weigh-ins though. this is a great controversial subject. i think janx should email the guy his comment personally. it's awesome!


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