Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

Your last stop on your way to the dead end of the information highway.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


So I'm looking for something to snack on in the vending machines at work, and I see for the first time that they are stocking sunflower seeds. Suddenly I was taken back to little league baseball since eating sunflower seeds was my favorite part of baseball and the only thing I was good at in baseball. On this sudden nostalgia kick and behind the flawless reasoning that this snack would last days rather than minutes, I put in my change and pressed C7.
That was yesterday. I'm still working on my pouch of seeds. On the back of the packaging they tell me all I need to know about being a "seeder" and congratulate me on being in their ranks. That's a little weird but overall I'm enjoying my seeds. Being male I'm reminded that there is something primordial and appealing about working hard for my food...and spitting. But then tragedy almost struck...
I reached in the pouch and grabbed a seed. I was about to put it in my mouth when an amber warning light went off in my head. This seed didn't look or feel right. I examined it, at first thinking it was just one of those deformities that you get from time to time. Upon closer inspection it was a not quite fully grown cocklebur covered in salt. Delicious but deadly. Here is an artist's rendering of it:

Yeah just like that but smaller and covered in salt. Well, just thought I'd warn you "seeders" out there to be on the look out. Because trust me, as tasty as it looks, it really hurts to swallow it.


  • At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So, do you still have it?
    Have you considered eating it and sueing (I mean, assuming you survived)?

  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger PostHaste said…

    i was keeping it safe at my desk until i could get some freshly charged batteries in the ole camera but this weekend someone must have sucumbed to the salty temptation cuz i can't find it.

    but i did consider it, yes.


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