Roasting Marshmallows in the Fires of a Pop Culture Apocalypse

Your last stop on your way to the dead end of the information highway.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Recent Name Droppage

You know how you never notice something and then suddenly it's everywhere? Let's take a gamertag I play with a lot: Haste. I play Halo and Halo 2 with this name. In the main story line of Halo 2 (or as I like to call it: the only story line), a character mentions that it is because of HASTE that the first Halo was destroyed. And I thought no one had noticed.

Haste was already taken on xbox live so I used PostHaste as my gamertag online (although I have grown to like it more and use it everywhere, even here). As I was reading the new Runaways (which rocked me until I lay barefoot next to all the socks I own), Brian K. Vaughn used the word posthaste in one of his actiony dialogue scenes. IN BOLD. Could it be he has heard of me?

Fun Fact: Haste and his alter-ego PostHaste live in a universe I created mostly in my head but also on paper. A bit. I adopt their names from time to time because they are my most beloved creation. One day the world will know their story. When the world makes ready for it.


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