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This week, Bungie (the developers of this phenonemons known as Halo and Halo 2) released four new maps to be downloaded over the Xbox Live online service. Two are free with the Bonus pack download: Containment, a huge snowy level with two bases, and Warlock, a small semetrical arena type room. They also have two others to download for a small price. The Killtacular pack is $5.99 and comes with two fairly big maps: Sanctuary, resembles the grounds and ruins of a temple of some kind, and Turf, a map on Earth complete with streets, alleys, rooftops, a warehouse, and a crashed Scarab (alien weapons platform thing).
So just when I was actually starting to not play this game that much they totally rein me back in. These maps are all well designed. I can't wait to try them out with a big group of players like at next months big LAN party at Corey O's.
Over the course of the next few months Bungie will be making more maps available for download - a total of nine in all. And in case you are wondering, the $5.99 Killtacular pack will be a free download in June but I for one think that it is worth getting now especially if you play the multiplayer a lot. Ha - did you like how I made it seem like some people play Halo 2 for the single player aspect. Yeah right, Halo (1) maybe but not Halo 2. Also, I don't mind throwing some coin Bungie's way. They turn out a great product and this time was no exception.
Oh and for those who don't have Xbox live, all nine new maps will be available on a disc you can buy sometime this summer. I think it will be around $30. It will also have some behind the scenes stuff and interviews. But only if you do not have Xbox Live should you wait for these maps. I definitely recommend getting these right away if you can.
Lastly, the guys at Red vs Blue have put up some walkthroughs of the maps that are great if you haven't had a chance to run around and figure out where all the weapons are, etc. Just scroll all the way down to the bottom of the linked page. They are second from the bottom. These are video walkthroughs not text ones so consider yourself warned dial-uppers.
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